School Activities Future All Star Day Care curriculum focuses on three important developmental learning components. They are: Socio-Emotional, Cognitive and Physical development. Through attention to these areas, an integrated and effective developmental approach to learning is achieved. Socio -Emotional At Future All Star Day Care, children gain independence and self control by learning to trust others and by learning the appropriate ways to take initiative while respecting others. Children are also encouraged to make decisions, use reasoning skills, practice listening, explore their environment and express, understand and handle their feelings. They are also guided to expand their attention by choosing to persevere at specific tasks for extended times. Cognitive Future All Star Day Care focuses on helping young children acquire learning and problem solving skills, expand logical thinking skills, acquire concepts leading to a fuller understanding of the immediate world, participate in make-believe play, expand verbal communications skills, and develop beginning reading and writing skills. Physical By focusing on children's socio-emotional, cognitive and physical growth, Future All Star Day Care's curriculum promotes an effective development approach to learning. |